HP Smart Update Manager CLI Help

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   June 2012


   Table of Contents

   1 Using scripts to deploy updates

                1.1 Command-line interface

                             1.1.1 Command-line syntax

                             1.1.2 Command-line arguments

                             1.1.3 Component configuration for Windows
                             components only

                             1.1.4 Command-line examples

                             1.1.5 Return codes

                             1.1.6 Windows smart-component return codes

                             1.1.7 Linux smart-component return codes

                             1.1.8 Linux RPM return codes

                1.2 Input files

                             1.2.1 Input file format and rules

                             1.2.2 File encoding

                             1.2.3 Error reporting

                             1.2.4 Input file parameters

                1.3 Reports

Chapter 1 Using scripts to deploy updates

   Table of Contents

   1.1 Command-line interface

                1.1.1 Command-line syntax

                1.1.2 Command-line arguments

                1.1.3 Component configuration for Windows components only

                1.1.4 Command-line examples

                1.1.5 Return codes

                1.1.6 Windows smart-component return codes

                1.1.7 Linux smart-component return codes

                1.1.8 Linux RPM return codes

   1.2 Input files

                1.2.1 Input file format and rules

                1.2.2 File encoding

                1.2.3 Error reporting

                1.2.4 Input file parameters

   1.3 Reports

1.1 Command-line interface

   You can use the HP SUM command-line interface to script custom

   For more information on using HP SUM, see the HP Smart Update Manager
   User's Guide HP SUM documentation website at

  1.1.1 Command-line syntax

   The general command-line syntax for HP SUM is as follows:

   hpsum [/h[elp]] [/?] [/f[orce]] [/f[orce]:bundle] [/f[orce]:rom]

   [/f[orce]:software] [/f[orce]:all ] [/g (/downgrade)] [/e (/rewrite)

   [/r[eboot]] [/reboot_message "reboot message"]

   [/reboot_delay timeout_in_seconds] [/reboot_always] [/s[ilent]]

   [/c[omponent] <component_to_install>] [/group "group_name"]

   [/b[undle] <bundle_to_install>] [/allow_update_to_bundle]

   [/allow_non_bundle_components] [/use_latest] [/use_location "file_share"]

   [/use_web] [/use_d[ownloaded]] [/tpmbypass] [/ignore_tpm] [/use_snmp]
   [/use_wmi] [/use_ams][/romonly] [/softwareonly] [/dryrun]
   [/continue_on_error <error>] [/override_existing_connection]
   [/express_install] [/user <username> or /username <username>] [/passwd
   <password>] [/current_credential] [/target "netAddress"] [/logdir "path"]
   [/v[erbose]] [/veryv[erbose]] [/report][/inventory_report]
   [/firmware_report] [/On_failed_dependency:<parameter>] [/oa_username
   <username>] [/oa_password <password>] [/use_proxy <proxy server>]
   [/proxy_script <proxy script>] [/proxy_user <username>] [/proxy_passwd
   <password>][/inputfile "filename"] [/c[omponent]
   <component_to_install>][<component1_to_install> <component2_to_install>
   ...][<bundle1_to_install> <bundle2_to_install>...]

   The following commands are supported only by Superdome 2 servers:

   [/update_type <type>] [/device_list <device[,device]...>] [/reboot_list

   HP SUM with OA requires a user ID and password to log in. The user ID must
   be an administrator equivalent ID and not an operator or user equivalent
   level ID.

   [Note] Note:                                
          All parameters and information enclosed in brackets are optional.
          The parameters may be prefixed with either a hypen (-) or slash (/)
          character. These examples show only the slash.

   On Windows operating systems, use a slash before each argument. On Linux
   operating systems, use a hyphen before each argument.

   If the /s[ilent] argument is not included on the command line, the HP SUM
   GUI appears.

   [Note] Note:                                  
          Command-line syntax does not support double-byte character sets.
          Any messages entered through the command line via a double-byte
          character set will not be displayed correctly. Switch update commands

   G7 and earlier servers do not support AMS agents. The following tables
   show what updates occur when you use the switch agent commands.

   The following table shows what updates occur if no switches are currently

   |          Command          |    G7 and earlier     |    Gen8 servers    |
   |                           |        servers        |                    |
   | no switches               | SNMP                  | AMS                |
   | /use_ams                  | N/A                   | AMS                |
   | /use_snmp                 | SNMP                  | SNMP               |
   | /use_wmi                  | WBEM                  | WBEM               |
   | /use_ams /use_snmp        | SNMP                  | AMS and SNMP       |
   | /use_ams /use_wmi         | WBEM                  | AMS and WBEM       |
   | /use_wmi /use_snmp        | WBEM and SNMP         | WBEM and SNMP      |
   | /use_ams /use_wmi         | WBEM and SNMP         | AMS, SNMP and WBEM |
   | /use_snmp                 |                       |                    |

   The following table shows what updates occur if SNMP switches are
   currently installed.

   |          Command          |    G7 and earlier    |    Gen8 servers     |
   |                           |       servers        |                     |
   | no switches               | SNMP                 | SNMP                |
   | /use_ams                  | SNMP                 | SNMP and AMS        |
   | /use_snmp                 | SNMP                 | SNMP                |
   | /use_wmi                  | WBEM and SNMP        | WBEM and SNMP       |
   | /use_ams /use_snmp        | SNMP                 | AMS and SNMP        |
   | /use_ams /use_wmi         | WBEM and SNMP        | AMS, SNMP, and WBEM |
   | /use_wmi /use_snmp        | WBEM and SNMP        | WBEM and SNMP       |
   | /use_ams /use_wmi         | WBEM and SNMP        | AMS, SNMP, and WBEM |
   | /use_snmp                 |                      |                     |

   The following table shows what updates occur if WBEM switches are
   currently installed.

   |          Command          |    G7 and earlier    |    Gen8 servers     |
   |                           |       servers        |                     |
   | no switches               | WBEM                 | WBEM                |
   | /use_ams                  | WBEM                 | WBEM and AMS        |
   | /use_snmp                 | WBEM and SNMP        | WBEM and SNMP       |
   | /use_wmi                  | WBEM                 | WBEM                |
   | /use_ams /use_snmp        | WBEM and SNMP        | AMS, SNMP, and WBEM |
   | /use_ams /use_wmi         | WBEM                 | WBEM and AMS        |
   | /use_wmi /use_snmp        | WBEM and SNMP        | WBEM and SNMP       |
   | /use_ams /use_wmi         | WBEM and SNMP        | AMS, SNMP, and WBEM |
   | /use_snmp                 |                      |                     |

   The following table shows what updates occur if AMS switches are currently

   |          Command          |    G7 and earlier    |    Gen8 servers     |
   |                           |       servers        |                     |
   | no switches               | N/A                  | AMS                 |
   | /use_ams                  | N/A                  | AMS                 |
   | /use_snmp                 | N/A                  | AMS and SNMP        |
   | /use_wmi                  | N/A                  | AMS and WBEM        |
   | /use_ams /use_snmp        | N/A                  | AMS and SNMP        |
   | /use_ams /use_wmi         | N/A                  | AMS and WBEM        |
   | /use_wmi /use_snmp        | N/A                  | AMS, SNMP, and WBEM |
   | /use_ams /use_wmi         | N/A                  | AMS, SNMP, and WBEM |
   | /use_snmp                 |                      |                     |

   [Note] Note:                   
          G7 and earlier servers do not support AMS.

  1.1.2 Command-line arguments

   HP SUM recognizes the following command-line arguments, which you can use
   to pre-populate the GUI on the Source Selection and Review/Install Updates
   screens. If you specify the target and credentials, use the /s[ilent]
   parameter to proceed with the installation.

   You cannot use some arguments, such as /romonly and /softwareonly,

   |     Help      |               Description               |
   | /h[elp] or /? | Displays command line help information. |

   |         Installation options          |          Description           |
   |                                       | Overrides or downgrades an     |
   |                                       | existing component             |
   | /f[orce]                              | installation. This produces    |
   |                                       | the same results as            |
   |                                       | /f:software.                   |
   |                                       | Overrides or downgrades the    |
   | /f[orce]:bundle                       | existing installation of       |
   |                                       | components in the selected     |
   |                                       | bundle.                        |
   |                                       | Overrides or downgrades the    |
   | /f[orce]:rom                          | existing installation of the   |
   |                                       | selected firmware components   |
   |                                       | (applies to firmware only).    |
   |                                       | Overrides or downgrades the    |
   | /f[orce]:software                     | existing installation of the   |
   |                                       | selected software components.  |
   |                                       | Overrides or downgrades the    |
   |                                       | existing installation of the   |
   | /f[orce]:all                          | selected software components,  |
   |                                       | firmware components, and       |
   |                                       | bundles.                       |
   |                                       | Downgrades to an earlier       |
   |                                       | version of firmware for        |
   | /g or /downgrade                      | multi-target devices such as   |
   |                                       | hard drives and array          |
   |                                       | controllers (applies to        |
   |                                       | firmware only).                |
   |                                       | Downgrades to an earlier       |
   |                                       | version of firmware for        |
   | /e or /rewrite                        | multi-target devices such as   |
   |                                       | hard drives and array          |
   |                                       | controllers (applies to        |
   |                                       | firmware only).                |
   |                                       | Causes the installation to run |
   |                                       | silently with no GUI or        |
   |                                       | console output. All data       |
   |                                       | writes to the log file. Any    |
   |                                       | generated prompts use the      |
   |                                       | default option and continue    |
   |                                       | the installation without user  |
   |                                       | input. If a component requires |
   |                                       | input before installation      |
   |                                       | (such as configuration         |
   |                                       | information), then the         |
   | /s[ilent]                             | component installation fails,  |
   |                                       | and an error message writes to |
   |                                       | the log file.                  |
   |                                       |                                |
   |                                       | Failed dependencies are not    |
   |                                       | reported to the user when you  |
   |                                       | are using the /s[ilent]        |
   |                                       | argument. To check for failed  |
   |                                       | dependencies, remove the       |
   |                                       | /s[ilent] argument and reissue |
   |                                       | the command line. The HP SUM   |
   |                                       | GUI appears.                   |
   |                                       | Specifies which components to  |
   |                                       | install. Components to install |
   |                                       | can be specified with or       |
   |                                       | without the /c[omponent]       |
   |                                       | argument.                      |
   |                                       |                                |
   |                                       |   o If you are using the       |
   |                                       |     /c[omponent] argument,     |
   |                                       |     then only one component    |
   |                                       |     can specified with the     |
   |                                       |     argument. However,         |
   |                                       |     multiple /c arguments and  |
   |                                       |     components can be          |
   |                                       |     specified on the same      |
   |                                       |     line.                      |
   |                                       |                                |
   |                                       |   o If you do not use the      |
   |                                       |     /c[omponent] argument,     |
   |                                       |     then multiple components   |
   |                                       |     can be specified at the    |
   |                                       |     same time, but the         |
   |                                       |     components must be         |
   |                                       |     separated by a blank and   |
   |                                       |     listed after all the       |
   | /c[omponent]<component_to_install> or |     arguments on the command   |
   | <component1_to_install>               |     line.                      |
   | <component2_to_install>               |                                |
   |                                       |   o The components are         |
   |                                       |     installed in the order     |
   |                                       |     provided unless            |
   |                                       |     dependencies between       |
   |                                       |     components require         |
   |                                       |     installation in a          |
   |                                       |     different order. If so,    |
   |                                       |     the utility changes the    |
   |                                       |     installation order based   |
   |                                       |     on the component           |
   |                                       |     dependencies to ensure the |
   |                                       |     successful installation of |
   |                                       |     as many components as      |
   |                                       |     possible.                  |
   |                                       |                                |
   |                                       |   o Multiple components and    |
   |                                       |     bundles can be specified   |
   |                                       |     on the same command line.  |
   |                                       |     When you are mixing        |
   |                                       |     components and bundles on  |
   |                                       |     the command line, the      |
   |                                       |     filter switches control    |
   |                                       |     what components and        |
   |                                       |     bundles are installed.     |
   |                                       | This argument specifies an     |
   | /group "group_name"                   | already defined group name in  |
   |                                       | the HP SUM GUI.                |
   |                                       | This argument specifies        |
   |                                       | bundles to install. Bundles to |
   |                                       | install can be specified with  |
   |                                       | or without the /b[undle]       |
   |                                       | argument.                      |
   |                                       |                                |
   |                                       |   o If you are using the       |
   |                                       |     /b[undle] argument, only   |
   |                                       |     one bundle can specified   |
   |                                       |     with the argument.         |
   | /b[undle] <bundle_to_install> or      |     However, multiple /b       |
   | <bundle1_to_install>                  |     arguments and bundles can  |
   | <bu/use_latestndle2_to_install>       |     be specified on the same   |
   |                                       |     line.                      |
   |                                       |                                |
   |                                       |   o If you do not use the      |
   |                                       |     /b[undle] argument,        |
   |                                       |     multiple bundles can be    |
   |                                       |     specified at the same      |
   |                                       |     time, but the bundles must |
   |                                       |     be separated by a blank    |
   |                                       |     and listed after all the   |
   |                                       |     arguments on the command   |
   |                                       |     line.                      |
   |                                       | This argument is a filter      |
   |                                       | switch. It enables you to      |
   |                                       | install newer versions of      |
   |                                       | components defined in a PSP,   |
   |                                       | ISP, or firmware bundle.       |
   | /allow_update_to_bundle               |                                |
   |                                       | This argument enables these    |
   |                                       | components to replace the      |
   |                                       | older versions of the same     |
   |                                       | component that might have      |
   |                                       | shipped with the bundles.      |
   |                                       | This argument is a filter      |
   |                                       | switch. It enables you to      |
   | /allow_non_bundle_components          | install components that are    |
   |                                       | not included in the bundle but |
   |                                       | reside in the directory with   |
   |                                       | the components in the bundle.  |
   |                                       | This argument is a filter      |
   |                                       | switch for use with bundles.   |
   |                                       | The argument enables the       |
   |                                       | latest version of the bundle   |
   |                                       | to be used when multiple       |
   |                                       | versions of bundles are listed |
   | /use_latest                           | on the command line. If there  |
   |                                       | are no bundles specified on    |
   |                                       | the command line, and multiple |
   |                                       | bundles are in the directory,  |
   |                                       | the /use_latest argument       |
   |                                       | allows HP SUM to use the       |
   |                                       | bundle that has the latest     |
   |                                       | version for installation.      |
   |                                       | Specifies a directory or file  |
   |                                       | share that contains the PSP,   |
   |                                       | ISP, and components for use    |
   |                                       | with HP SUM. The file_share    |
   |                                       | format must be a mapped file   |
   |                                       | share and not in UNC format.   |
   |                                       | If this argument is not        |
   |                                       | specified, the directory that  |
   |                                       | contains hpsum.exe or HP SUM   |
   |                                       | is used by default.            |
   | /use_location "file_share"            |                                |
   |                                       | The logged-in account must     |
   |                                       | have access to this location.  |
   |                                       |                                |
   |                                       | The /user and /passwd          |
   |                                       | arguments do not have any      |
   |                                       | effect when you are attempting |
   |                                       | to access the file share. Use  |
   |                                       | those arguments only when you  |
   |                                       | are connecting to a target     |
   |                                       | system.                        |
   |                                       | Specifies that the check box   |
   |                                       | for Check ftp.hp.com on the    |
   |                                       | Source Selection screen is     |
   | /use_web                              | selected. This enables         |
   |                                       | components to be retrieved     |
   |                                       | from ftp.hp.com and used in    |
   |                                       | the list of possible updates.  |
   |                                       | Enables the inclusion of a     |
   |                                       | proxy server (and port number) |
   |                                       | to access ftp.hp.com. This     |
   | /use_proxy <Proxy server>             | parameter must be used with    |
   |                                       | /use_web. For example,         |
   |                                       | /use_web /use_proxy            |
   |                                       | <>.               |
   |                                       | Enables the inclusion of a     |
   |                                       | proxy script to access         |
   | /proxy_script <Proxy script>          | ftp.hp.com. This parameter     |
   |                                       | must be used with /use_web.    |
   |                                       | For example, /use_web          |
   |                                       | /proxy_script <autoproxy.com>. |
   |                                       | Sets the password to be used   |
   | /proxy_password <password>            | for an authenticating proxy    |
   |                                       | server.                        |
   |                                       | Specifies that the check box   |
   |                                       | for Use last downloaded        |
   |                                       | repository from ftp.hp.com on  |
   |                                       | the Source Selection screen in |
   | /use_d[ownloaded]                     | the GUI is selected. This      |
   |                                       | enables the previously         |
   |                                       | downloaded components to be    |
   |                                       | included in the list of        |
   |                                       | possible updates.              |
   |                                       | Specifies that components that |
   |                                       | use SNMP protocol and the AMS  |
   |                                       | components are available for   |
   | /use_snmp                             | installation by default. When  |
   |                                       | the /use_snmp argument is      |
   |                                       | used, the AMS components are   |
   |                                       | required, but the WMI          |
   |                                       | components are optional.       |
   |                                       | Specifies that components that |
   |                                       | use the WMI protocol are       |
   |                                       | available for installation.    |
   |                                       | These components are optional  |
   |                                       | and are not installed unless   |
   |                                       | this argument is used. When    |
   | /use_wmi                              | the /use_wmi argument is used, |
   |                                       | and the /use_snmp & /use_ams   |
   |                                       | arguments are not, the SNMP    |
   |                                       | and AMS components are         |
   |                                       | optional. This argument does   |
   |                                       | not apply to HP Integrity      |
   |                                       | servers.                       |
   |                                       | Specifies which AMS components |
   |                                       | can be installed along with    |
   |                                       | SNMP components. The AMS and   |
   |                                       | SNMP components are available  |
   | /use_ams                              | to select by default. When the |
   |                                       | /use_ams argument is used, the |
   |                                       | SNMP components are required,  |
   |                                       | and the WMI components are     |
   |                                       | optional.                      |
   |                                       | This filter switch allows you  |
   |                                       | to see only the firmware       |
   |                                       | components needed for          |
   |                                       | installation. When you are     |
   |                                       | using this filter switch, you  |
   |                                       | must exit and restart HP SUM   |
   | /romonly                              | if you want to return to an    |
   |                                       | unfiltered state.              |
   |                                       |                                |
   |                                       | Do not use the /romonly        |
   |                                       | argument with the              |
   |                                       | /softwareonly argument.        |
   |                                       | (Applies to firmware only.)    |
   |                                       | This filter switch allows you  |
   |                                       | to see only the software       |
   |                                       | components needed for          |
   |                                       | installation. When you are     |
   |                                       | using this filter switch, you  |
   | /softwareonly                         | must exit and restart HP SUM   |
   |                                       | if you want to return to an    |
   |                                       | unfiltered state.              |
   |                                       |                                |
   |                                       | Do not use the /softwareonly   |
   |                                       | argument with the /romonly     |
   |                                       | argument.                      |
   |                                       | Starts an express installation |
   |                                       | (for the local host only). The |
   |                                       | HP SUM performs discovery,     |
   |                                       | installation, or exit without  |
   |                                       | user interaction. You can      |
   |                                       | cancel or terminate HP SUM. An |
   |                                       | express installation will      |
   |                                       | force install all components   |
   |                                       | in the default repository and  |
   | /express_install                      | may downgrade drivers and      |
   |                                       | firmware to the versions in    |
   |                                       | the default directory as part  |
   |                                       | of the installation operation. |
   |                                       | The express installation       |
   |                                       | feature allows you to set a    |
   |                                       | baseline and enforce it        |
   |                                       | regardless of the currently    |
   |                                       | installed version of drivers   |
   |                                       | and firmware on the local      |
   |                                       | server.                        |

   |       Overriding errors       |              Description               |
   |                               | Specifies that if a TPM is enabled,    |
   |                               | the warning message should be ignored  |
   | /tpmbypass or /ignore_tpm     | and component installation can         |
   |                               | continue. For more information about   |
   |                               | TPM, see the HP Smart Update Manager   |
   |                               | User Guide.                            |
   |                               | Allows the installation to proceed on  |
   | /ignore_warnings              | a Superdome 2 target even when         |
   |                               | warnings are returned during analysis. |
   |                               | Causes the installation to continue    |
   |                               | and ignore errors. Valid values are as |
   |                               | follows:                               |
   |                               |                                        |
   |                               | * <error>=ServerNotFound and           |
   |                               |                                        |
   |                               | * <error>=BadPassword.                 |
   | /continue_on_error <error>    |                                        |
   |                               | * <error>=FailedDependencies           |
   |                               |                                        |
   |                               | You can use the ServerNotFound option  |
   |                               | to bypass inactive or unavailable      |
   |                               | remote hosts when you are deploying    |
   |                               | firmware or software to multiple       |
   |                               | remote hosts at the same time.         |
   |                               | Defines the behavior when a remote     |
   |                               | target has an existing HP SUM session  |
   | /override_existing_connection | in progress. It overrides the session  |
   |                               | in progress and re-initializes the     |
   |                               | installation framework on the remote   |
   |                               | host.                                  |
   |                               | Provides HP SUM <parameter> the        |
   |                               | information on how to proceed when a   |
   |                               | component has a failed dependency. The |
   |                               | supported parameters for this argument |
   |                               | are Omit_Host (default),               |
   |                               | Omit_Component , and Force. Omit_Host  |
   | /On_failed_dependency:        | causes the host to be put into a       |
   | <parameter>                   | failure state, and no installation is  |
   |                               | attempted. Omit_Component deselects    |
   |                               | the affected components and proceeds   |
   |                               | with any updates that do not have      |
   |                               | dependency failures. Force attempts    |
   |                               | all updates, even if they have         |
   |                               | dependency failures.                   |
   |                               | Use this argument to select a          |
   |                               | partition to update.                   |
   | /partition_only               |                                        |
   |                               | This command is for HP Integrity       |
   |                               | servers only.                          |
   |                               | Use these arguments if you do not use  |
   |                               | the /partition_only argument. If you   |
   |                               | do not enter the selections, then the  |
   | /oa_name and /oa_password     | update will display and error and      |
   |                               | exit.                                  |
   |                               |                                        |
   |                               | This command is for HP Integrity       |
   |                               | servers only.                          |

   |     Reboot options      |                 Description                  |
   |                         | If the following conditions are met, this    |
   |                         | argument causes the server (or host server   |
   |                         | in a remote installation) to reboot:         |
   |                         |                                              |
   |                         |   o The /reboot option is selected or given  |
   |                         |     as a command-line argument.              |
   | /r[eboot]               |                                              |
   |                         |   o All components selected for installation |
   |                         |     are successfully installed.              |
   |                         |                                              |
   |                         |   o At least one of the installed components |
   |                         |     requires a reboot to complete its        |
   |                         |     installation.                            |
   |                         | Displays the specified reboot message on     |
   | /reboot_message "reboot | remote consoles connected to the server that |
   | message"                | you want to reboot. You must use this        |
   |                         | argument with the /reboot option, or the     |
   |                         | argument is ignored.                         |
   |                         | Delays the reboot of the server for the      |
   |                         | length of time that the timeout_in_seconds   |
   |                         | variable specifies. You must use this        |
   |                         | argument with the /reboot option, or the     |
   |                         | argument is ignored. Acceptable values are   |
   |                         | between 15 and 3600.                         |
   |                         |                                              |
   | /reboot_delay           |   o The default timeout value is 15 seconds  |
   | timeout_in_secs         |     for Microsoft Windows operating systems  |
   |                         |     and 60 seconds for Linux.                |
   |                         |                                              |
   |                         |   o For Linux, the reboot delay time is      |
   |                         |     converted from seconds to minutes, and   |
   |                         |     any value under a full minute (59        |
   |                         |     seconds or less) rounds to the next      |
   |                         |     minute.                                  |
   |                         | If the following conditions are met, this    |
   |                         | argument forces the server to reboot:        |
   |                         |                                              |
   | /reboot_always          |   o The /reboot_always option is selected or |
   |                         |     given as a command-line argument.        |
   |                         |                                              |
   |                         |   o All components selected for installation |
   |                         |     are successfully installed.              |

   | Simulating HP SUM |                    Description                     |
   | /dryrun           | Simulates the installation for a test run. Nothing |
   |                   | is installed.                                      |

   |           Targets            |               Description               |
   |                              | Use this argument to log in to the      |
   | /user<username> or /username | remote targets by using the user ID.    |
   | <username>                   | For the OA target, use the /oa_username |
   |                              | argument.                               |
   |                              | Use this argument to use this password  |
   |                              | for the user ID specified in the /user  |
   | /psswd <password>            | parameter (except for the OA target).   |
   |                              | The password is used to log in to       |
   |                              | remote targets. For the OA target, use  |
   |                              | the /oa_password argument.              |
   |                              | This is the IP address or the DNS name  |
   |                              | of a remote host, which can be a remote |
   |                              | server, remote iLO NIC port, Virtual    |
   |                              | Connect Ethernet or Fibre Channel       |
   |                              | Module for c-Class BladeSystem, or      |
   | /target "netAddress"         | BladeSystem OA.                         |
   |                              |                                         |
   |                              | When two OAs are in an enclosure, this  |
   |                              | argument should be the active OA. When  |
   |                              | specifying the IP address, use either   |
   |                              | the IPv4 or IPv6 format.                |
   |                              | Enables the credential of the local     |
   |                              | host to be used as the credential to    |
   |                              | access the targets instead of providing |
   | /current_credential          | the user name and password explicitly   |
   |                              | for each target. The assumption is that |
   |                              | the current credential is valid for the |
   |                              | targets being accessed. (Applies to     |
   |                              | Windows only)                           |
   |                              | This argument provides the user name    |
   |                              | credential for OA associated with VC    |
   |                              | specified with the target command-line  |
   |                              | parameter. Only one set of OA           |
   |                              | credentials can be specified with       |
   |                              | command-line parameters. You can add    |
   |                              | multiple VC targets to command-line     |
   |                              | parameters with the target parameter    |
   |                              | only if the credentials of OAs          |
   |                              | associated with specified VCs are the   |
   | /oa_username                 | same. The argument oa_username is not   |
   |                              | required if VC has the same credentials |
   |                              | as the associated OA. You do not need   |
   |                              | to provide an OA network address        |
   |                              | associated with VC. HP SUM queries it   |
   |                              | from a specified VC target.             |
   |                              |                                         |
   |                              | To update multiple VCs with different   |
   |                              | user names and passwords, or VCs with   |
   |                              | OAs that have different credentials,    |
   |                              | use the corresponding input files OAUID |
   |                              | and OAPWD.                              |
   |                              | Provides the password credential for OA |
   |                              | associated with VC specified with the   |
   |                              | "target" command-line parameter. Only   |
   |                              | one set of OA credentials can be        |
   |                              | specified with command-line parameters. |
   |                              | You can add multiple VC targets to      |
   |                              | command-line parameters with the        |
   |                              | "target" parameter only if the          |
   |                              | credentials of OAs associated with      |
   |                              | specified VCs are the same. The         |
   | /_password                   | argument oa_password is not required if |
   |                              | VC has the same credentials as the      |
   |                              | associated OA. You do not need to       |
   |                              | provide an OA network address           |
   |                              | associated with VC. HP SUM queries it   |
   |                              | from a specified VC target.             |
   |                              |                                         |
   |                              | To update multiple VCs with different   |
   |                              | user names and passwords, or VCs with   |
   |                              | OAs that have different credentials,    |
   |                              | use the corresponding input files OAUID |
   |                              | and OAPWD .                             |

   |   Log files    |                      Description                      |
   |                | Redirects the output from HP SUM or the HP            |
   |                | BladeSystem c-Class OA flash utility to a different   |
   |                | directory than the default location.                  |
   |                |                                                       |
   |                |   o For Windows components, the default location is   |
   | /logdir "path" |     %SYSTEMDRIVE%\CPQSYSTEM\hp\log<netAddress> and    |
   |                |     the redirected location is                        |
   |                |     <path>\hp\log\<netAddress>.                       |
   |                |                                                       |
   |                |   o For Linux components, the default location is     |
   |                |     /var/hp/log/<netAddress> and the redirected       |
   |                |     location is <path>/hp/log/<netAddress>.           |
   |                | Sets the verbosity level for the HP SUM execution log |
   | /v[erbose] or  | file, hpsum_execution_log_<date>_<time>.log. It       |
   | /veryv[erbose] | increases the level of detail that is retained in the |
   |                | log file. The default value is normal verbosity.      |

   | Generating reports |                    Description                    |
   |                    | Generates a report listing of the target summary  |
   |                    | and describes how the components in the           |
   |                    | repository affect the target; for example,        |
   |                    | whether each component applies to the target. The |
   |                    | report is generated in HTML and XML with file     |
   |                    | name formats of HPSUM_Report_<date>_<time>.html   |
   | /report            | and HPSUM_Report_<date>_<time>.xml.               |
   |                    |                                                   |
   |                    | By default, the files are located in the present  |
   |                    | working directory where HP SUM is initiated. If   |
   |                    | that location is write-protected, you can find    |
   |                    | the files in the same directory as the HP SUM log |
   |                    | files.                                            |
   |                    | Generates a report listing of the components in   |
   |                    | the specified repository. The report is generated |
   |                    | in HTML and XML with file name formats of         |
   |                    | HPSUM_Inventory_Report_<date>_<time>.html and     |
   |                    | HPSUM_Inventory_Report_<date>_<time>.xml.         |
   | /inventory_report  |                                                   |
   |                    | By default, the report is located in the present  |
   |                    | working directory where HP SUM is initiated. If   |
   |                    | that location is write-protected, you can find    |
   |                    | the report in the same directory as the HP SUM    |
   |                    | log files.                                        |
   |                    | Generates a report listing of the firmware        |
   |                    | installed and details of the target. The report   |
   |                    | is generated in HTML and XML with file names of   |
   |                    | HPSUM_Firmware_Report.html and fwreport.xml in    |
   |                    | the directory named                               |
   | /firmware_report   | HPSUM_Firmware_Report_<date>_<time>.              |
   |                    |                                                   |
   |                    | By default, the report is located in the present  |
   |                    | working directory where HP SUM is initiated. If   |
   |                    | that location is write-protected, you can find    |
   |                    | the report in the same directory as the HP SUM    |
   |                    | log files.                                        |

   |   Using input files   |                  Description                   |
   |                       | Enables you to script the deployment of        |
   | /inputfile "filename" | firmware and software to multiple remote       |
   |                       | systems at one time. For more information, see |
   |                       | the HP Smart Update Manager User Guide.        |
   | /deleteinputfile      | Enables you to instruct HP SUM to delete the   |
   |                       | input file after it has been read.             |

   |  Superdome 2 server  |                   Description                   |
   |       commands       |                                                 |
   |                      | Determines which Superdome 2 firmware is        |
   |                      | updated. You can choose ALL, COMPLEX, or        |
   | /update_type <type>  | PARTITIONS. The default selection is ALL.       |
   |                      |                                                 |
   |                      | Example: /update_type PARTITIONS                |
   |                      | Use this argument when the /update_type         |
   |                      | argument is PARTITIONS. This argument specifies |
   |                      | the subset of partitions or blades to update    |
   |                      | when you do not want to update all partitions   |
   | /device_list         | or blades. Valid devices are: npar(number) and  |
   | <device[,device]...> | blade(enc)/(bay). Do not put any spaces between |
   |                      | the parameters.                                 |
   |                      |                                                 |
   |                      | Example: /device_list                           |
   |                      | npar1,npar2,blade1/1,blade1/2                   |
   |                      | Use this argument when the /update_type is ALL  |
   |                      | or PARTITIONS. This argument specifies specific |
   |                      | partitions to reboot after the partition        |
   | /reboot_list         | firmware has been updated. Valid npar values    |
   | <npar[,npar]...>     | are npar(number). Do not put any spaces between |
   |                      | parameters.                                     |
   |                      |                                                 |
   |                      | Example: /reboot_list npar1,npar2               |

  1.1.3 Component configuration for Windows components only

   To configure components without using the HP SUM GUI, issue the command
   hpsum_config<component_to_configure>. This command presents the same
   configuration screens that appear in the HP SUM GUI. Run this command from
   a writeable media source. Configuration for a given component must be
   executed only one time. The configuration is stored within the component
   and is propagated to all target servers when it is deployed through the HP
   SUM GUI or a command line. To change the configuration, rerun hpsum_config
   against the component. If a component does not need configuration, the
   hpsum_config command returns to the console.

   To configure components to be deployed on all editions of Windows Server
   2008 with the Server Core option, you must access the system as a remote
   host by using HP SUM running on a system with a supported Windows
   operating system, and then configure the components before deployment.

  1.1.4 Command-line examples

   The following command-line parameter examples can be executed within these

     o Firmware:

          o System ROM

          o Smart Array controller

          o Hard drives

          o iLO

     o Software-later version of:

          o HP Insight Diagnostics Online Edition for Windows Server 2003

          o HP System Management Homepage (HP SMH) for Windows (cp008257.exe)

     o HP SUM

          o Defined groups: Management Servers-three servers (Management
            Server1, Management Server2, Management Server3)

   Example 1:

   This command-line input deploys the latest PSP and firmware components:

   hpsum /use_latest /allow_non_bundle_components /silent

   Results: All software components and firmware components from the update
   bundle, which HP SUM determined must be installed, were installed.

   Example 2:

   Either of the following command-line inputs can deploy the previous
   version of the PSP only and force all the components to be installed:

     o hpsum /f:bundle /softwareonly BP000315.xml

     o hpsum /b BP000315.xml /f:bundle /softwareonly

   Results: All software components and firmware components from the update
   bundle, which HP SUM determined must be installed, were installed. No
   firmware was installed.

   Example 3:

   This command-line input deploys firmware:

   hpsum /romonly

   Results: All firmware components that must be installed, were installed.
   No software was installed.

   Example 4:

   Either of the following command-line inputs can deploy two software

     o hpsum /f:software cp008097.exe cp008257.exe

     o hpsum /c cp008097.exe /c cp008257.exe /f:software

   Results: The two components were installed. No firmware or other software
   was installed.

   Example 5:

   Either of the following command-line inputs can deploy the latest PSP,
   later versions of components in the bundle, and firmware to three remote
   hosts and force all components to be installed:

     o hpsum /group "Management Servers" /current_credential /use_latest
       /allow_update_to_bundle /allow_non_bundle_components /force:all
       /override_existing_connection /continue_on_error ServerNotFound
       /silent /logdir "Management_Server_Files"

     o hpsum /target "Management Server1" /target "Management Server2"
       /target "Management Server3" /user administrator /passwd letmein
       /use_latest /allow_update_to_bundle /allow_non_bundle_components
       /force:all /override_existing_connection /continue_on_error
       ServerNotFound /silent /logdir "Management_Server_Files"

   Results: All software components and firmware components from the update
   bundle, cp008097.exe, and cp008257.exe were installed on Management
   Server1, Management Server2, and Management Server3.

  1.1.5 Return codes

   HP SUM has consolidated return codes from Linux and Windows smart
   components into a new, enhanced return-code mapping. These return codes
   determine the status of the component installation. You can also use
   return codes in a script to control the execution of the script and
   determine any required branching.

   In Linux, the negative return codes are reported. These return codes are
   determined by subtracting the negative value from 256.

   |       Return code        | Value | Linux | Windows |       Text        |
   | SUCCESS_NO_REBOOT        | 0     | 0     | 0       | The installation  |
   |                          |       |       |         | was successful.   |
   |                          |       |       |         | The installation  |
   | SUCCESS_REBOOT           | 1     | 1     | 1       | was successful,   |
   |                          |       |       |         | but a reboot is   |
   |                          |       |       |         | required.         |
   |                          |       |       |         | The component was |
   | SUCCESS_NOT_REQUIRED     | 3     | 3     | 3       | current or not    |
   |                          |       |       |         | required.         |
   |                          |       |       |         | A general failure |
   | FAILURE_GENERAL          | -1    | 255   | 255     | occurred. For     |
   |                          |       |       |         | details, see the  |
   |                          |       |       |         | error log.        |
   |                          |       |       |         | A bad input       |
   | FAILURE_BAD_PARM         | -2    | 254   | 254     | parameter was     |
   |                          |       |       |         | encountered.      |
   |                          |       |       |         | The installation  |
   | FAILURE_COMPONENT_FAILED | -3    | 253   | 253     | of the component  |
   |                          |       |       |         | failed.           |

  1.1.6 Windows smart-component return codes

   | Error level |                         Meaning                          |
   | 0           | The smart component was not installed. For more          |
   |             | information, see the log file.                           |
   | 1           | The smart component was installed successfully.          |
   | 2           | The smart component was nstalled successfully, but the   |
   |             | system must be restarted.                                |
   |             | The installation was not attempted because the required  |
   | 3           | hardware is not present, the software is current, or     |
   |             | there is nothing to install.                             |

  1.1.7 Linux smart-component return codes

   Single-target servers:

   | Error level |                         Meaning                          |
   | 0           | The smart component was installed successfully.          |
   | 1           | The smart component was installed successfully, but the  |
   |             | system must be restarted.                                |
   |             | The installation was not attempted because the required  |
   | 2           | hardware is not present, the software is current, or     |
   |             | there is nothing to install.                             |
   | 3           | The smart component was not installed. For more          |
   |             | information, see the log file.                           |

   Multi-target servers:

   | Error level |                         Meaning                          |
   | 0           | The installation of the deliverable was successful. No   |
   |             | reboot is required.                                      |
   | 1           | The installation of the deliverable was successful.      |
   |             | Reboot is required for the deliverable to be enabled.    |
   | 2           | The installation was not attempted because the version   |
   |             | to be installed matches the version already installed.   |
   |             | The installation was not attempted because of one of the |
   |             | following:                                               |
   |             |                                                          |
   |             |   o The version to be installed is older than the        |
   |             |     version already installed.                           |
   |             |                                                          |
   | 3           |   o The supported hardware is not present, not enabled,  |
   |             |     or in a state that an installation could not be      |
   |             |     attempted.                                           |
   |             |                                                          |
   |             |   o The smart component does not support the             |
   |             |     environment.                                         |
   |             |                                                          |
   |             |   o There is nothing for the component to accomplish.    |
   |             | If the component is being installed to a remote target,  |
   | 4           | such as an OA or other network-based deployment, this    |
   |             | return code indicates that the target cannot be found.   |
   | 5           | A user canceled the installation before anything could   |
   |             | be installed.                                            |
   | 6           | The installer cannot run because of an un-met dependency |
   |             | or installation tool failure.                            |
   | 7           | The actual installation operation (not the installation  |
   |             | tool) failed.                                            |

  1.1.8 Linux RPM return codes

   | Error level |                  Meaning                   |
   | 0           | The Linux RPM installation was successful. |
   | 1           | The Linux RPM installation failed.         |

1.2 Input files

   HP SUM provides the ability to script the update of multiple, individual
   targets or groups of targets (HP ProLiant and Integrity servers and
   options) within a single operation through the input file functionality.
   To protect your credentials, use a secure server or a management console.

   To create an input file, use a text editor. All section headers and
   trailers must match. Failure to use the SILENT=YES option causes the GUI
   mode to be used, but the information provided enables you to skip screens
   where information has already been provided. You can use the DRYRUN=YES
   option to perform dry runs of installations to ensure the scripts are
   working without deploying the firmware updates that might be required on
   each target. Remove the DRYRUN=YES option to perform the updates.

   For parameters that can take list values, list separators can be commas,
   semicolons, or spaces.

   [Note] Note:                                 
          The credentials can be omitted from the file for greater security
          and passed on the command line to HP SUM. The only limitation that
          the user ID and credentials must be the same on all.

   When the file has been created, to use it with HP SUM, add it as the
   inputfile <filename> parameter to a HP SUM command line. For example, if
   the name of the input file is hpsum.in, the command-line syntax is hpsum
   -inputfile hpsum.in. Full paths can be added to the input file location if
   the file is not stored in the same location as the HP SUM executables. The
   <filename> field can be enclosed in double quotes to enable paths with
   spaces. Also, the input file itself might contain the same options on the
   command line. The usual command-line options can still be used with the
   -inputfile option and they take precedence over any given input file.

  1.2.1 Input file format and rules

   The input file is divided into two sections:

     o Configuration

       The configuration section starts from the beginning of the file and
       proceeds until the first target section is encountered. This section
       consists of a number of settings and their values. Each configuration
       setting must appear on a fresh line in the file, along with its value.
       Comments start with a pound (#) character at the beginning of the
       line. Only one pound character is allowed on any line.

     o Target

       You can provide remote host targets to HP SUM. This section can repeat
       any number of times in the input file, providing a way to organize
       targets in related sets.

       The section starts with the following special header enclosed in


       The section ends with the following special string enclosed brackets:


       The keyword TARGETS can be suffixed with an optional arbitrary string.
       This string enables you to tag the purpose of the TARGETS section.
       Other than the visible difference in the header, the contents of such
       a section are not treated any differently. For example:




          o Credentials: The TARGETS section allows the targets to be grouped
            according to the credentials needed for logging in remotely. Each
            TARGETS section must have a set of login credentials, which
            applies to all targets in that section. If you want to use the
            current host's login credentials to log in to one or more remote
            targets, you can do so by setting the variable
            USECURRENTCREDENTIAL to YES. You can supply login credentials for
            one or more hosts by using the variables UID and PWD. If you want
            to provide the variables at the beginning of a TARGETS section,
            use both of them. If you want to provide the variables in the
            middle of a TARGETS section, use one or the other to override the
            selected variable and continue using the active value for the
            remaining variable.

          o Remote target: You can specify a remote target by using the
            variable HOST. Possible values are a DNS name or an IP address.

  1.2.2 File encoding

   To allow for the inclusion of double-byte characters, the input file is in
   UTF-8 format.

  1.2.3 Error reporting

   If errors occur in the input file, HP SUM exits with a return value of -2
   (bad parameter). The details of the location and nature of the error are
   recorded in hpsum_execution_log_<date>_<time>.raw.

  1.2.4 Input file parameters

|        Parameter        |               Description                |      Possible values       |
|                         |This parameter causes the installation to |                            |
|                         |run silently without GUI or console       |                            |
|                         |output. All data is written to the log    |                            |
|                         |file. Any generated prompts use the       |                            |
|                         |default option and continue the           |                            |
|                         |installation without user input.          |                            |
|SILENT                   |                                          |YES, NO                     |
|                         |If a component requires input before      |                            |
|                         |installation (such as configuration       |                            |
|                         |information), the component installation  |                            |
|                         |fails (unless the IGNOREERRORS =          |                            |
|                         |"FailedDependencies" parameter is         |                            |
|                         |supplied), and an error message is written|                            |
|                         |to the log file.                          |                            |
|FORCEALL                 |Forces updates to both firmware and       |YES, NO                     |
|                         |software components.                      |                            |
|FORCEROM                 |Forces updates to firmware components.    |YES, NO                     |
|FORCESOFTWARE            |Forces updates to software components.    |YES, NO                     |
|                         |Enables you to override or downgrade an   |                            |
|FORCEBUNDLE              |existing installation of components in the|YES, NO                     |
|                         |selected bundle.                          |                            |
|                         |Downgrade to an earlier version of        |                            |
|DOWNGRADE                |firmware for multi-target devices such as |YES, NO                     |
|                         |hard drives and array controllers.        |                            |
|                         |(Applies to firmware only.)               |                            |
|                         |Rewrite the same version of firmware only |                            |
|REWRITE                  |for multi-target devices such as hard     |YES, NO                     |
|                         |drives and array controllers. (Applies to |                            |
|                         |firmware only.)                           |                            |
|REBOOTALLOWED            |Enables you to reboot, if required.       |YES, NO                     |
|REBOOTMESSAGE            |Create a message to be displayed prior to |Any string (not exceeding   |
|                         |rebooting.                                |256 characters)             |
|REBOOTDELAY              |Delay before rebooting.                   |Time in seconds             |
|                         |Limit the list of components to be        |Component names with file   |
|COMPONENTSLIST           |updated.                                  |extensions (.exe, .rpm, or  |
|                         |                                          |.scexe)                     |
|BUNDLESLIST              |Limit the list of bundle xml files to be  |Bundle file names           |
|                         |filtered.                                 |                            |
|                         |This is a filter switch and enables you to|                            |
|                         |install newer versions of components      |                            |
|                         |defined in a PSP, ISP, or bundle.         |                            |
|ALLOWUPDATEBUNDLE        |                                          |YES, NO                     |
|                         |This parameter enables these components to|                            |
|                         |replace the older versions of the same    |                            |
|                         |component that might have shipped with the|                            |
|                         |bundles.                                  |                            |
|                         |Defines the behavior when a remote target |                            |
|                         |has an existing HP SUM session in         |                            |
|                         |progress.                                 |                            |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|SKIPTARGET               |Use this parameter to skip the host if an |YES, NO                     |
|                         |existing HP SUM session already exists. A |                            |
|                         |value of NO overrides the session in      |                            |
|                         |progress and reinitializes the            |                            |
|                         |installation framework on the remote host.|                            |
|                         |Causes the installation to continue and   |                            |
|                         |ignore errors.                            |                            |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |The ServerNotFound option can be used to  |                            |
|                         |bypass inactive or unavailable remote     |ServerNotFound, BadPassword,|
|IGNOREERRORS             |hosts when deploying firmware or software |FailedDependencies          |
|                         |to multiple remote hosts at the same time.|                            |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |Use FailedDependencies to ignore any      |                            |
|                         |failed dependencies and proceed with the  |                            |
|                         |ones that are ready to be installed.      |                            |
|                         |Provide a single local repository path.   |                            |
|SOURCEPATH               |This action creates an inventory from the |Directory path              |
|                         |given path instead of the local or default|                            |
|                         |repository.                               |                            |
|                         |This is a filter switch for use with      |                            |
|                         |bundles. The parameter enables you to use |                            |
|                         |the latest version of the bundle when     |                            |
|                         |multiple versions of bundles are listed on|                            |
|                         |the command line.                         |                            |
|USELATEST                |                                          |YES, NO                     |
|                         |If no bundles are specified on the command|                            |
|                         |line, and multiple bundles are in the     |                            |
|                         |directory, this parameter enables HP SUM  |                            |
|                         |to use the bundle that has the latest     |                            |
|                         |version for installation.                 |                            |
|DRYRUN                   |Simulates the installation for a test run.|YES, NO                     |
|                         |Nothing is installed.                     |                            |
|                         |Specify the HP SUM CLI options inside the |                            |
|                         |input file, which overrides the           |                            |
|                         |configuration settings. Parameters can be |                            |
|                         |separated by a semi-colon, comma, or a    |                            |
|OPTIONS                  |space.                                    |One or more CLI switch      |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |This parameter replaces the LSPOPTIONS    |                            |
|                         |parameter that was previously supported   |                            |
|                         |with LDU.                                 |                            |
|                         |Specifies that components that use SNMP   |                            |
|                         |protocol, are available to be selected for|                            |
|                         |installation.                             |                            |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|USESNMP                  |These components are available for        |YES, NO                     |
|                         |selection by default. When the /usesnmp   |                            |
|                         |parameter is used, and the /usewmi        |                            |
|                         |parameter is not used, the WMI components |                            |
|                         |are optional. This parameter does not     |                            |
|                         |apply to HP Integrity servers.            |                            |
|                         |Specifies that components that use WMI    |                            |
|                         |protocol are available to be selected for |                            |
|                         |installation.                             |                            |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |These components are optional by default  |                            |
|USEWMI                   |and are not installed unless this         |YES, NO                     |
|                         |parameter is used. When the /usewmi       |                            |
|                         |parameter is used, and the /usesnmp       |                            |
|                         |parameter is not used, the SNMP components|                            |
|                         |are optional. This parameter does not     |                            |
|                         |apply to HP Integrity servers.            |                            |
|                         |This is a filter switch that allows you to|                            |
|                         |view only the firmware components required|                            |
|ROMONLY                  |for installation.                         |YES, NO                     |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |Do not use the /romonly parameter with the|                            |
|                         |/softwareonly parameter.                  |                            |
|                         |This is a filter switch that allows you to|                            |
|                         |view only the software components required|                            |
|SOFTWAREONLY             |for installation.                         |YES, NO                     |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |Do not use the /softwareonly parameter    |                            |
|                         |with the /romonly parameter.              |                            |
|                         |Enables the credentials of the local host |                            |
|                         |to be used as the credentials to access   |                            |
|                         |the targets instead of providing the user |                            |
|                         |name and password explicitly for each     |                            |
|USECURRENTCREDENTIAL     |target.                                   |YES, NO                     |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |The assumption is that the current        |                            |
|                         |credentials are valid for the targets that|                            |
|                         |are being accessed. (Applies to Windows   |                            |
|                         |operating systems only.)                  |                            |
|                         |Instructs HP SUM to include the components|                            |
|WEBUPDATENEEDED          |from the HP FTP site (ftp://ftp.hp.com) in|YES, NO                     |
|                         |the list of possible updates.             |                            |
|                         |Use a proxy server (and port number) to   |String value                |
|USEPROXYSERVER           |access the HP FTP site (ftp://ftp.hp.com).|                            |
|                         |                                          |For example, |
|USEPROXYSCRIPT           |Include a proxy script to access the HP   |Web URL (for example,       |
|                         |FTP site (ftp://ftp.hp.com).              |autoproxy.com)              |
|DELETEINPUTFILE          |Instructs HP SUM to delete the input file |YES, NO (default)           |
|                         |after it has been read.                   |                            |
|                         |This parameter instructs HP SUM how to    |                            |
|                         |proceed when a component has a failed     |                            |
|                         |dependency.                               |                            |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |The default of OmitHost causes the host to|                            |
|                         |be put in a failure state, and no         |OmitHost (default),         |
|ONFAILEDDEPENDENCY       |installation is attempted on it.          |OmitComponent, Force        |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |OmitComponent clears the affected         |                            |
|                         |components and proceeds with any updates  |                            |
|                         |that do not have dependency failures.     |                            |
|                         |Force attempts all updates, even if they  |                            |
|                         |have dependency failures.                 |                            |
|                         |This parameter is the IP address or the   |                            |
|                         |DNS name of a remote server, remote iLO   |                            |
|                         |NIC port, Virtual Connect Ethernet or     |                            |
|                         |Fibre Channel Module for c-Class          |                            |
|                         |BladeSystem, or BladeSystem OA.           |                            |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|HOST                     |When two OAs are in an enclosure, this    |IP address, DNS name        |
|                         |parameter is the active OA. When          |                            |
|                         |specifying the IP address, you can use    |                            |
|                         |either the IPv4 or IPv6 format.           |                            |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |This parameter specifies an already       |                            |
|                         |defined group name in the HP SUM GUI.     |                            |
|UID                      |Logs in to the target hosts with your user|<username>                  |
|                         |ID.                                       |                            |
|                         |Uses the password for the user ID         |                            |
|                         |specified in the UID.                     |                            |
|PWD                      |                                          |<password>                  |
|                         |The password is used to log in to target  |                            |
|                         |hosts.                                    |                            |
|                         |Redirects the output from HP SUM or the HP|                            |
|                         |BladeSystem c-Class OA flash utility to a |                            |
|                         |different directory than the default      |                            |
|                         |location.                                 |                            |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |* For Windows components, the default     |                            |
|                         |location is                               |                            |
|LOGFILENAME = "path"     |%SYSTEMDRIVE%\CPQSYSTEM\hp\log<netAddress>|Log file name               |
|                         |and the redirected location is            |                            |
|                         |<path>\hp\log\<netAddress>.               |                            |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |* For Linux components, the default       |                            |
|                         |location is /var/hp/log/<netAddress> and  |                            |
|                         |the redirected location is                |                            |
|                         |<path>/hp/log/<netAddress>.               |                            |
|                         |Specifies an SNMP read/write community    |SNMP read/write community   |
|CMALOCALHOSTRWCOMMSTR    |string for local host access. (Applies to |string                      |
|                         |Linux PSP only.)                          |                            |
|                         |Specifies an SNMP read-only community     |SNMP read-only community    |
|CMALOCALHOSTROCOMMSTR    |string for local host access. (Applies to |string                      |
|                         |Linux PSP only.)                          |                            |
|                         |Specifies the IP address or DNS host name |                            |
|                         |of a system with read/write access to     |                            |
|CMAMGMTSTATIONRWIPORDNS  |serve as a management station. You can    |IP address, DNS name        |
|                         |specify multiple locations separated by a |                            |
|                         |space. (Applies to Linux PSP only.)       |                            |
|                         |Specifies an SNMP read/write community    |                            |
|                         |string for a system with read/write access|SNMP read/write community   |
|CMAMGMTSTATIONRWCOMMSTR  |that serves as a management station. You  |string                      |
|                         |can specify multiple strings separated by |                            |
|                         |a space. (Applies to Linux PSP only.)     |                            |
|                         |Specifies the IP address or DNS host name |                            |
|                         |of a system with read-only access to serve|                            |
|CMAMGMTSTATIONROIPORDNS  |as a management station. You can specify  |IP address, DNS name        |
|                         |multiple locations separated by a space.  |                            |
|                         |(Applies to Linux PSP only.)              |                            |
|                         |Specifies an SNMP read/write community    |                            |
|                         |string for a system with read-only access |SNMP read/write community   |
|CMAMGMTSTATIONROCOMMSTR  |that serves as a management station. You  |string                      |
|                         |can specify multiple strings separated by |                            |
|                         |a space. (Applies to Linux PSP only.)     |                            |
|CMADEFTRAPCOMMSTR        |Sets a default SNMP community string for  |SNMP community string       |
|                         |traps. (Applies to Linux PSP only.)       |                            |
|                         |Specifies the SNMP destination trap       |                            |
|CMATRAPDESTINATIONCOMMSTR|community string. (Applies to Linux PSP   |SNMP trap destination       |
|                         |only.)                                    |                            |
|                         |Specifies the IP address or DNS host name |                            |
|CMATRAPDESTINATIONIPORDNS|of a server as a destination for SNMP     |IP address, DNS name        |
|                         |traps, such as Systems Insight Manager.   |                            |
|                         |(Applies to Linux PSP only.)              |                            |
|                         |Specifies a person or phone number for    |                            |
|CMASYSCONTACT            |administration of this system. (Applies to|String value                |
|                         |Linux PSP only.)                          |                            |
|CMASYSLOCATION           |Designates the location of this system.   |String value                |
|                         |(Applies to Linux PSP only.)              |                            |
|                         |Determines whether the HP Systems Insight |  o YES (start the web      |
|                         |Manager Web Agent is started when the     |    agent)                  |
|CMASTARTWEBAGENT         |health application loads. (Applies to     |                            |
|                         |Linux PSP only.)                          |  o NO (do not start the web|
|                         |                                          |    agent)                  |
|                         |Determines whether the HP Systems Insight |  o YES (start the storage  |
|                         |Manager Storage Agent is started when the |    agent)                  |
|CMASTARTSTORAGEAGENT     |health application loads. (Applies to     |                            |
|                         |Linux PSP only.)                          |  o NO (do not start the    |
|                         |                                          |    storage agent)          |
|                         |                                          |  o YES (start the web      |
|                         |Determines whether the HP Systems Insight |    agent)                  |
|CMASTARTNICAGENT         |Manager NIC agent is started. (Applies to |                            |
|                         |Linux PSP only).                          |  o NO (do not start the web|
|                         |                                          |    agent)                  |
|                         |                                          |  o YES (start the HP       |
|                         |Determines whether the HP Lights-Out      |    Lights-Out management   |
|                         |management driver is started when the     |    driver)                 |
|CMANOTAINTEDKERNEL       |health application loads. (Applies to     |                            |
|                         |Linux PSP only.)                          |  o NO (do not start the HP |
|                         |                                          |    Lights-Out management   |
|                         |                                          |    driver)                 |
|                         |Informs the VCA of the name of the VCRM to|                            |
|HPVCAVCRMSERVER          |use as a software distribution repository.|VCRM name                   |
|                         |(Applies to Linux PSP only.)              |                            |
|                         |This parameter is the login ID that the   |                            |
|HPVCAVCRMLOGINID         |VCA uses to communicate with the VCRM.    |VCA login ID                |
|                         |(Applies to Linux PSP only.)              |                            |
|                         |This parameter is the password for the    |                            |
|HPVCAVCRMLOGINPASSWD     |login ID specified in the HPVCAVCRMLOGIN  |VCA login password          |
|                         |parameter. (Applies to Linux PSP only.)   |                            |
|                         |HP Systems Management Homepage (hpsmh)    |                            |
|FORCE-OVERWRITE          |uses this parameter to force overwrite the|YES, NO (default)           |
|                         |SMH settings of an existing configuration |                            |
|                         |file.                                     |                            |
|                         |HP Systems Management Homepage (hpsmh)    |Up to five Linux groups,    |
|                         |uses this parameter to set up security for|separated by spaces or      |
|ADMIN-GROUP              |the web server. (Applies to Linux PSP     |semicolons, to enable       |
|                         |only.)                                    |administrative access to the|
|                         |                                          |web services.               |
|                         |                                          |Up to five Linux groups,    |
|                         |HP Systems Management Homepage uses this  |separated by spaces or      |
|USER-GROUP               |parameter to set up security for the web  |semicolons, to enable       |
|                         |server. (Applies to Linux PSP only.)      |user-level access to the web|
|                         |                                          |servers.                    |
|                         |                                          |Up to five Linux groups,    |
|                         |HP Systems Management Homepage uses this  |separated by spaces or      |
|OPERATOR-GROUP           |parameter to set up security for the web  |semicolons, to enable       |
|                         |server. (Applies to Linux PSP only.)      |operator-level access to the|
|                         |                                          |web servers.                |
|                         |Determines whether an anonymous user can  |                            |
|ANONYMOUS-ACCESS         |access HP Systems Management Homepage.    |YES, NO (default)           |
|                         |(Applies to Linux PSP only.)              |                            |
|                         |HP Systems Management Homepage uses this  |                            |
|                         |parameter to determine whether HP SMH can |                            |
|IP-BINDING               |use all available NICs and detect subnets |YES, NO (default)           |
|                         |for its web services. (Applies to Linux   |                            |
|                         |PSP only.)                                |                            |
|                         |HP Systems Management Homepage uses this  |                            |
|                         |parameter to restrict the NICs and subnets|IP address pairs separated  |
|                         |to use for its web servers.               |by semicolons (for example, |
|IP-BINDING-LIST          |                                          |;     |
|                         |The IP-BINDING parameter must be set to   |                            |
|                         |yes for this parameter to be used during  |     |
|                         |installation. (Applies to Linux PSP only.)|                            |
|                         |                                          |YES, NO (default)           |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |                                          |To enable restrictions on   |
|                         |HP Systems Management Homepage uses this  |who can log in to the web   |
|IP-RESTRICTED-LOGINS     |parameter to restrict login access.       |server, this parameter must |
|                         |(Applies to Linux PSP only.)              |be set to yes, and values   |
|                         |                                          |must be provided to the     |
|                         |                                          |IP-RESTRICTED-EXCLUDE or    |
|                         |                                          |IP-RESTRICTED-INCLUDE       |
|                         |                                          |parameters.                 |
|                         |HP Systems Management Homepage uses this  |                            |
|                         |parameter to exclude specific IP          |                            |
|                         |address/netmask pairs from logging into   |List of IP address ranges   |
|                         |the web services. (Applies to Linux PSP   |separated by semicolons (for|
|IP-RESTRICTED-EXCLUDE    |only.)                                    |example,;|
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |This parameter is ignored unless the      |         |
|                         |IP-RESTRICTED-LOGINS parameter is set to  |                            |
|                         |yes.                                      |                            |
|                         |HP Systems Management Homepage uses this  |                            |
|                         |parameter to enable login only from the IP|List of IP address ranges   |
|                         |address/NetMask pairs specified. (Applies |separated by semicolons (for|
|IP-RESTRICTED-INCLUDE    |to Linux PSP only.)                       |example,;|
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |This parameter is ignored unless the      |         |
|                         |IP-RESTRICTED-LOGINS parameter is set to  |                            |
|                         |yes.                                      |                            |
|                         |HP Systems Management Homepage uses this  |  o YES (default to include |
|LOCALACCESS-ENABLED      |parameter to determine whether to enable  |    anonymous access)       |
|                         |local anonymous access to the web         |                            |
|                         |services. (Applies to Linux PSP only.)    |  o NO                      |
|                         |                                          |  o Anonymous (default)     |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |                                          |  o Administrator           |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |HP Systems Management Homepage uses this  |    CAUTION: Selecting local|
|                         |parameter to determine the type of access |    access with             |
|LOCALACCESS-TYPE         |granted to local users. (Applies to Linux |    administrator privileges|
|                         |PSP only.)                                |    as the login provides   |
|                         |                                          |    full access to any user |
|                         |                                          |    who has access to the   |
|                         |                                          |    local console, without  |
|                         |                                          |    prompting for a user    |
|                         |                                          |    name or password.       |
|                         |                                          |  o TrustByCert-If you use  |
|                         |                                          |    this value, you must    |
|                         |                                          |    define the CERTLIST     |
|                         |                                          |    parameter to enable     |
|                         |                                          |    access to the server.   |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |                                          |  o TrustByName-If you use  |
|                         |                                          |    this value, you must    |
|                         |                                          |    define the XENAMELIST.  |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |                                          |  o TrustByAll-HP does not  |
|                         |                                          |    recommend using this    |
|                         |                                          |    value because of        |
|                         |                                          |    possible negative       |
|                         |                                          |    security consequences.  |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |HP Systems Management Homepage uses this  |    [Caution] Caution:      |
|TRUSTMODE                |parameter to set up the trust relationship|              The accepted  |
|                         |mode. (Applies to Linux PSP only.)        |              values are    |
|                         |                                          |              case-sensitive|
|                         |                                          |              and must be   |
|                         |                                          |              capitalized as|
|                         |                                          |              shown. Failure|
|                         |                                          |              to do so      |
|                         |                                          |              prevents the  |
|                         |                                          |              trust         |
|                         |                                          |              relationship  |
|                         |                                          |              from being set|
|                         |                                          |              up properly   |
|                         |                                          |              during        |
|                         |                                          |              installation  |
|                         |                                          |              and might     |
|                         |                                          |              affect access |
|                         |                                          |              to the web    |
|                         |                                          |              server.       |
|                         |Enables you to provide a list of          |                            |
|                         |certificate files or servers where        |                            |
|CERTLIST                 |certificates can be obtained for trust    |Certificate file name or    |
|                         |relationships for the HP Systems          |Server DNS name             |
|                         |Management Homepage. (Applies to Linux PSP|                            |
|                         |only.)                                    |                            |
|                         |Enables you to provide a list of servers, |                            |
|                         |separated by semicolons, for trust        |                            |
|                         |relationships for the HP Systems          |                            |
|                         |Management Homepage. (Applies to Linux PSP|                            |
|XENAMELIST               |only.)                                    |Server DNS name             |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |This parameter is valid only if the       |                            |
|                         |TRUSTMODE parameter is set to TrustByName.|                            |
|                         |(Applies to Linux PSP only.)              |                            |
|                         |                                          |  o SinglePath              |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |The hp_qla2x00 QLogic Fibre Channel Driver|  o SecurePath              |
|HPQLA2X00FO              |uses this parameter to determine the      |                            |
|                         |failover mode to use. (Applies to Linux   |  o QLogicFailure           |
|                         |PSP only.)                                |                            |
|                         |                                          |    [Note] Note:            |
|                         |                                          |           No default value |
|                         |The hp_qla2x00 QLogic Fibre Channel Driver|                            |
|HPQLA2X00FORCE           |uses this parameter to determine whether  |Y, N (default)              |
|                         |to skip detection of third-party storage. |                            |
|                         |(Applies to Linux PSP only.)              |                            |
|                         |Provides the user name credentials for the|                            |
|                         |OA associated with VC. You must define a  |                            |
|                         |value of these variables before the HOST  |User can define the OAUID   |
|OAUID                    |variable in the [TARGETS] section. This   |variable multiple times     |
|                         |parameter applies only for VC firmware.   |before each HOST variable.  |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |You can also use OAUSER or OAUSERNAME.    |                            |
|                         |Provides the password credentials for the |                            |
|                         |OA associated with VC. You must define a  |                            |
|                         |value of these variables before the HOST  |User can define OAPWD       |
|OAPWD                    |variable in the [TARGETS] section. This   |variable multiple times     |
|                         |parameter applies only for VC firmware.   |before each HOST variable.  |
|                         |                                          |                            |
|                         |You can also use OAPASSWORD.              |                            |
|                         |Allows the installation to proceed on a   |YES, NO                     |
|IGNOREWARNINGS           |Superdome 2 target even when warnings are |                            |
|                         |returned during analysis.                 |Superdome 2 servers only    |
|                         |This argument determines which Superdome 2|ALL, COMPLEX, PARTITIONS    |
|UPDATETYPE               |firmware is updated.                      |                            |
|                         |                                          |Superdome 2 servers only    |
|                         |Use this argument when the                |                            |
|                         |UPDATETYPE=PARTITIONS. This argument      |For example: DEVICELIST =   |
|DEVICELIST               |specifies the subset of partitions or     |npar1, blade1/1             |
|                         |blades to update when you do not want to  |                            |
|                         |update all partitions. Valid devices are: |Superdome 2 servers only    |
|                         |npar(number) and blade(enc)/(bay).        |                            |
|                         |Use this argument when the UPDATETYPE= ALL|                            |
|                         |or UPDATETYPE= PARTITIONS. This argument  |For example: REBOOTLIST =   |
|REBOOTLIST               |specifies specific partitions to reboot   |npar1, npar2                |
|                         |after the partition firmware has been     |                            |
|                         |updated. Valid npar values are            |Superdome 2 servers only    |
|                         |npar(number).                             |                            |

   Examples of the HP SUM input file include the following:



   REBOOTMESSAGE = "Server is going down for a reboot"


   COMPONENTSLIST = cp001234.exe, cp001235.exe

   BUNDLESLIST = bp001234.xml



   IGNOREERRORS = ServerNotFound, FailedDependencies

   SOURCEPATH = c:\pkgsource1



   OPTIONS = /f:rom


   HOST = schinta1

   HOST = schinta2

   UID = root

   PWD = root123

   HOST = 234.567.765.432


   USAGE: hpsum /inputfile <path:\inputfile.txt>

   Examples of inputfile.txt file:

   Example: The two targets are passed to be updated. The targets do not
   necessarily have to be OAs. They can be any target that HP SUM supports.




   HOST = BL465C-01

   HOST =


   Example A host DNS is passed along with the user ID and password to use
   for the hosts in the group.




   HOST = BL685cG6

   UID = Bigboss2

   PWD = password




   IGNOREERRORS = ServerNotFound,BadPassword, FailedDepedencies


   SOURCEPATH = C:\fwcd\firmware-8.70-0\hp\swpackages








   IGNOREERRORS = ServerNotFound,BadPassword, FailedDepedencies


   SOURCEPATH = C:\ fwcd\firmware-8.70-0\hp\swpackages




   REBOOTMESSAGE = "Install complete, server will reboot in 30 seconds"





















   Example: Superdome 2 input files:



   UID = Userid

   PWD = password


   DEVICELIST = npar1, npar2, blade1/4, blade 1/5

   REBOOTLIST = npar1, npar2


1.3 Reports

   HP SUM generates three types of reports about the specified system or
   repository. HP SUM generates these reports by using the command-line
   arguments. If no additional arguments are specified on the command line,
   HP SUM uses the local host and default repository locations (the directory
   where HP SUM was initiated). You can specify a target if you provide the
   appropriate credentials. You can specific a repository by using other
   command-line parameters to generate reports. For specific commands, see
   "Command-line interface".

|   Report type    |   Description   |          Report file information*           |
|                  |This argument    |                                             |
|                  |generates a      |                                             |
|                  |report listing, a|                                             |
|                  |target summary,  |                                             |
|                  |and description  |                                             |
|                  |of how the       |The following report files are generated:    |
|                  |components in the|                                             |
|/report           |repository affect|  o hpsum_Report_<date>.html                 |
|                  |the target. For  |                                             |
|                  |example, whether |  o hpsum_Report_<date>.xml                  |
|                  |each component   |                                             |
|                  |applies to the   |                                             |
|                  |target.          |                                             |
|                  |                 |                                             |
|                  |Usage: hpsum     |                                             |
|                  |/report          |                                             |
|                  |This argument    |                                             |
|                  |generates a      |                                             |
|                  |report listing of|The following report files are generated:    |
|                  |the components in|                                             |
|/inventory_report |the specified    |  o hpsum_Inventory_Report_<date>.html       |
|                  |repository.      |                                             |
|                  |                 |  o hpsum_Inventory_Report_<date>.xml        |
|                  |Usage: hpsum     |                                             |
|                  |/inventory_report|                                             |
|                  |This argument    |                                             |
|                  |generates a      |The following report files are generated:    |
|                  |report listing of|                                             |
|                  |the firmware in  |  o HPSUM_Firmware_Report_<date>             |
|/firmware_report  |the specified    |                                             |
|                  |repository.      |  o fwreport.xml is placed in a folder named |
|                  |                 |    HPSUM_Firmware_Report_<date>             |
|                  |Usage: hpsum     |                                             |
|                  |/firmware_report |                                             |
|                  |This argument    |                                             |
|                  |generates a      |The following report file is generated:      |
|/dependency_report|report that lists|                                             |
|                  |failed           |HPSUM_FailedDependency_Reports_<datatime>.xml|
|                  |dependencies for |or .html                                     |
|                  |all targets.     |                                             |
|                  |This argument    |                                             |
|                  |generates a      |                                             |
|                  |report that lists|The following report file is generated:      |
|                  |all installed    |                                             |
|/installed_report |firmware,        |HPSUM_Installed_Report_<datatime>.xml or     |
|                  |software, and    |.html                                        |
|                  |driver versions  |                                             |
|                  |installed on     |                                             |
|                  |targets.         |                                             |

   HP SUM generates the reports as an XML or HTML files that you can view in
   a JavaScript-enabled web browser. The supported browsers for viewing the
   report files are Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and Mozilla Firefox 3.5
   and later. By default, the reports are located in the current working
   directory from where HP SUM was initiated. If that current location is
   write-protected, the reports are located in the same directory as the HP
   SUM log files.

   The HP SUM log files are located in these folders:

     o On Windows operating systems: C:\cpqsystem\hp\log

     o On Linux operating systems: /var/hp/log

   When HP SUM generates the report, the HP SUM GUI does not appear. When the
   report is generated, HP SUM displays the report file location.