Logging out of the HP SUM GUI

  1. Click the user icon, and then click Logout.

  2. Select one of the following:

    • Log Off - Current user.

    • Shutdown - This option will shutdown HP SUM engine.

  3. Click OK.

HP SUM stores node information between sessions, including user credentials for nodes. The information is stored in a database file in hex format. To clear the information, run the clean-cache.cmd (Windows) or clean-cache.sh (Linux). To run clear-cache:

  1. Shut down the HP SUM engine.

  2. From a command-line window, navigate to the directory that contains HP SUM.

  3. Type clear-cache.bat (Windows) or clear-cache.sh (Linux).

    [NOTE: ]

    NOTE: If you are using a GUI, you can navigate to the directory that holds HP SUM and double-click the file to clear the cache.

[NOTE: ]

NOTE: Running the clean-cache command erases all nodes, baselines, and other information entered in HP SUM.