SUM restricts multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user


An error occurs when multiple connections to a server or shared resource is used by the same user.


SUM uses the admin$ share function on Windows-based servers to copy files and perform required operations on remote node servers. If multiple connections to the remote Windows node is detected, the system will display an error message, as SUM will not allow more than one user name. In such instances, disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource, and try again.

If SUM displays the error, check for open <filepath>admin$</filepath> shares on the remote node you want to update, and remove the connections. Use the following commands to check for open shares and delete them:

  1. Open a command prompt window.
  2. Type net use.
  3. If open connections on the remote node are found, type: net use <node_admin_share> /delete.
  4. Attempt the operation in SUM that caused SUM to display the error.