6/11/2011 - MythBox 1.0.4

    - Issue 168 - User jobs, comm flagging, and transcoding can
      be triggered via the Advanced button on the Recording
      Details window 
    - Jobs and Tuners table on the Home window update automatically
      based on events from the master backend
    - New artwork is checked for once a month if no artwork was 
      previously available
    - |<< and >>| buttons are mapped to go to the top/bottom of a list   
    - Upgraded to mysql-connector-python 0.3.2
    - Various caching optimizations
    - Added blurb on the two different Commercial Skipping modes to
      the FAQ as Q7.
    - Issue 170 - Programs no longer sorted by title after a program is deleted

5/9/2011 - MythBox 1.0.3
    - Recordings Window
        - Issue 128 - Recordings grouped by title
        - Wallpapers from TVDB/TMDB added as backdrop
    - Recording Schedules Window 
        - Added # Recorded column
        - Sortable by Title, # Recorded, or Priority
    - Recording Schedule Dialog
        - Issue 155 - Added User Jobs
        - Added Recording Profile 
    - TV Guide Window
        - Selecting a program that is currently playing starts Live TV
        - Selecting a program with a schedule edits the schedule
        - Selecting a program with no schedule creates a schedule
        - Added banners from TVDB to the program details (bottom)
    - Watch TV Window
        - Added banners from TVDB to each channel        

    - Upcoming Recordings Window    
        - Launches faster (smart caching)
    - Settings Window
        - Issue 111 - Stream recordings directly from the backend by 
          selecting MythTV > Enable Streaming
        - Advanced tab - Log location add as help text
        - Playback tab - Editable values for seeking during playback
           * Small Skip Forward 
           * Small Skip Backward
           * Big Skip Forward
           * Big Skip Backward
    - Removed dependency on ffmpeg for determining recording framerate 
    - Google Image Search updated with API key and size restrictions
    - Slovak translations - tnx Juraj Belobrad
    - Issue 161 - schedule from TV Guide impossible if show category 
      contains (french) accented characters
    - Some 1080i ATSC recordings from a HD Homerun were incorrectly
      getting commskipped due to incorrect fps detection
    - Twitter newsfeed no longer renders linebreaks which were causing
      multiline output
1/25/2011 - MythBox 1.0.2
    - Issue 148 - Dutch translations (tnx Fred van Zwieten)
    - Issue 145 - Fixed unicode error in Live TV window 
    - Issue 147 - Changes to the recording schedule do not take effect immediately
    - Issue 149 - Help text on Settings screen gets truncated based on the translation
    - Added support for ScheduleType.NOT_RECORDING
    - TVRage grabber more resilient to incomplete season and episode information
    - Google image search now works for programs with unicode chars in the title
1/13/2011 - MythBox 1.0.1
    - Issue 132 - Support for MythTV 0.24 except for LiveTV (thx mitch capper)
    - TVRage season and episode matching now uses the program's subtitle when the original air date search fails
    - Added Episode column to the recordings screen
    - TV Guide shows upcoming recordings in a different color
    - Readme and FAQ viewable from MythBox > Settings > Readme and FAQ
    - Czech translations (tnx Pavel Ml�och)
    - Swedish translations (tnx Magnus Gustafsson)
    - Polish translations (tnx Michał Sawicz)
    - Issue 136 - mythbox.log moved to standard log dir on Mac OSX
    - Issue 141 - settings.xml parsing failed when removing mythboxfeed
    - Issue 142 - could not save new recording schedules that contained unicode chars
    - TVRage metadata with missing seasons caused lookup failures 
    - Resuming from last position now works for ad-hoc recordings
    - Thumbnail generation for 0.24 backends fixed
    - Changing sort order or hitting refresh on some windows didn't re-invoke inflight rendering threads 
11/25/2010 - MythBox 1.0.0
    - Issue 125 - Added Frech translations (thanks ddekani)
    - TVRage metadata caching for Season & Episode
    - FFMpeg binary for Mac and Windows unbundled from installation zip and also removed from Settings screen. Now downloads on demand.
    - New icon (tnx freezy)
    - Added to XBMC addon repo for easy updates
    - Issue 124 - Fixed parsing another variation of ffmpeg output
    - Issue 130 - Unable to play a recording when the cache lookup for a thumbnail fails
    - Issue 131 - Hours in timestamps are not displayed correctly on Macs
    - Comm skips on HDPVR 1080i recordings incorrect because ffmpeg reports incorrect framerate  

10/11/2010 - MythBox RC2
    - Added Sort feature to the Upcoming Recordings screen
    - Issue 93 - Added splash screen
    - FFmpeg output is cached for framerate extraction used by comm flagging
    - Added 'Enable Aggressive Caching' to Settings->MythTV to pre-cache framerate and commercial break info
    - Added Season and Episode to the Recording Details screen when available
    - Added TVRage as a provider of TV show metadata (used for season & episode)
    - Commercial breaks are only skipped once during playback (restarting playback in 'Play' only mode is no longer necessary if the comm break info is incorrect)
    - Issue 97 - Myth TV hostname and port are now queried directly from the database. Changed to read-only on the Settings->MythTV screen
    - Issue 106 - More responsive fanart lookup based on the current list selection in the Watch TV screen
    - Issue 109 - Enabled navigation from the MythBox Settings screen to the XBMC Settings screen 
    - Issue 114 - Added slave backend hostname to the comm flag status on the Home screen
    - Issue 118 - MythTV 0.23-1 compatibility (Protocol 57)
    - Issue 121 - German translation updates (thanks to linuxluemmel)
    - Issue 96 - Translations updated (ready for non-English contributions)
    - Issue 98 - IP addresses are used throughout the codebase. No more host not found errors.
    - Issue 107 - Database connections are now closed when idle and reconnect on demand. 
    - Issue 108 - Focus changes to Play+Skip button in Recording Details screen after user has already switched focus to another button
    - Issue 117 - Selecting the currently playing program in the TV Guide launched the Create Schedule window instead of starting Live TV 
    - Last focused recording was not restored correctly after a Refresh in the Recordings screen
06/08/2010 - MythBox RC1
 - new     : MythTV 0.23 support added - Protocol version 56 
 - new     : PageUp/PageDn (Channel Up/Channel Down on the remote) in the Recording Details screen now navigates
             to the next or previous recording
 - new     : Automatic forwarding through a commercial break when you land in the middle of the commercial break
 - new     : Added selected position and total number of items to the Recordings, Schedules, and Upcoming Recordings screens
 - new     : Selecting a recording in the Upcoming Recordings screen launches the Recording Schedule editor
 - new     : UI responsiveness tweaked to run well on an Acer Aspire Revo (1.6Ghz Atom + NVidia ION GPU) 
 - new     : TV Guide screen is back 
             PgUp/PgDown keys now scroll up/down an entire page
             Clicking on a currently playing program starts Live TV
 - new     : Program cells in the TV guide have an HD overlay indicator when appropriate
 - new     : Added keybindings and remote control buttons section to the README
 - new     : Non-idle tuners bubble to the top of the tuners list when there are more than two tuners
 - updated : Higher resolution thumbnails in Recording Details screen
 - updated : Replaced autoexpire flag with original air date on the Recording Details screen
 - updated : Faster fanart lookup on all screens + wait indicators
 - updated : Library updates: tvdb_api 1.5, IMDbPy 4.5.1  
 - updated : After deleting a recording from the Recording Details window the Recordings window would take quite a 
             while to update for a large number of recordings
 - fixed   : Requesting a recording's thumbnail from a slave backend didn't work              
 - fixed   : UI tweaks when the active skin is confluence (radio button color, active selection in coverflow, etc)
 - fixed   : Unnecessary refresh of the program listings on the Watch TV screen after stopping live tv.
 - fixed   : XBMC crashes occasionally when exiting from MythBox
 - fixed   : Clicking on Edit Schedule in the Recording Details screen when the schedule no longer exists how shows an error message
 - fixed   : Attempting to watch live tv on tuner which is already recording on a slave backend no longer fails silently
01/17/2010 - MythBox SVN 1797
 - new     : Watch Recordings screen rewritten in WindowXML
 - wip     : TV Guide screen temporarily disabled -- work in progress
 - new     : Home screen coverflow now supports a context menu from which you can delete or re-rerecord the recording
 - new     : Twitter feed of mythbox news events added to the bottom of the home screen
 - new     : Public twitter feeds can be added to the news feed from Settings -> Advanced -> Twitter
 - updated : Codebase purged of all legacy windowing/skinning code (non-WindowXML)
 - fixed   : File cache thread safety issues fixed
 - new     : All screens with listboxes now restore the last selected listitem
 - fixed   : Unnecessary induced reject on all but the first myth connection negotiation   
 - updated : The 'x' in the mythbox logo fixed to match the xbmc logo (tnx Jezz_X)
 - fixed   : Home screen coverflow images scaled instead of stretched
 - fixed   : Delete recording thumbnail from cache when recording deleted or marked for re-record
 - updated : Added Q15 to the FAQ - Connect to MySQL failed: 1156 (08S01): Got packets out of order,10000)
 - updated : IMDbPy updated to download higher resolution box covers (4.5)
 - new     : Tuners table on home screen now shows the time of the next scheduled recording if the tuner is currently idle
 - fixed   : Cover flow on Home screen would not get updated when a recording was deleted from the Recording Details screen
 - fixed   : Issue 70 - recordings not visible in Recording Schedules screen
 - fixed   : Issue 79 - extra set of quotes needed in call to os.system(...) on Windows (tschutte)
 - fixed   : Issue 80 - worker threads reaped before exiting script - prevents xbmc from dumping core
 - fixed   : Issue 83 - recordings from all recording groups are shown instead of just the ones from Default
10/21/2009 - MythBox SVN 1556
 - updated: Added solution for Issue 63 (old style mysql password hashing) to the FAQ
 - new    : Added coverflow of the latest recordings to the home screen
 - new    : Added French translations (tnx w.veilleux)
 - changed: switched livetv to use xbmc's myth:// protocol for 0.21 backends.
 - new    : Added enable debug log setting to Settings -> Advanced
 - new    : fanart is persisted across MythBox sessions now instead of having to be re-retrieved
 - new    : fanart is randomized if more than one result is returned for a given title
 - new    : Rewrote startup sequence - faster
 - new    : Busy throbber added to existing screens that are WindowXML
 - new    : Lirc double button press workaround added to Advanced Settings screen
 - new    : You can now edit a program's Recording Schedule from the Recording Details screen
 - fixed  : Sped up fanart lookup by not re-querying tvdb, tmdb, or imdb if initial query returned nothing.
 - new    : Upcoming Recordings screen rewritten in WindowXML with fanart
 - new    : Recording Schedules screen rewritten in WindowXML with fanart 
 - new    : Home screen rewritten in WindowXML (added table listing jobs)
 - new    : Updated the FAQ with the MythTV setup I test with
 - updated: Support for myth protocol versions 46-50 (latest mythtv trunk) 
 - updated: Added 'green screen' solution to FAQ
 - fixed  : Issue 53 - Handle channels with a value for iconPath even if the icon does not exist
 - fixed  : Channel sorting uses channel number instead of channel id in Watch TV screen

07/26/2009 - MythBox SVN 1260
 - new    : Live TV screen rewritten in WindowXML with fanart and channel logos
 - new    : Fanart support added for tvdb.org, themoviedb.org, imdb, and google image search. 
 - new    : Added Fan Art section to settings screen with the ability to clear the cached fan art.
 - changed: Bumped up max value for live tv buffer size to 20MB 
 - new    : German translations (tnx to linuxluemmel.ch)
 - new    : Spanish translations (tnx to jkpalo@yahoo.es)
 - fixed  : Tweaks to work with mediastream skin
 - new    : Updated the FAQ with Subverion repo questions and feature request process.
06/02/2009 - MythBox SVN 1105
 - fixed  : Issue 37 - Failed to startup on windows with no settings.xml
 - fixed  : Issue 2 - MySQL shared object library for amd64
 - fixed  : Issue 31 - Channel duplication across multipe tuners with same guide data fixed in Live TV screen
 - fixed  : Issue 30 - Fixed one terabyte+ diskspace reported incorrectly
 - changed: Settings windows rewritten in WindowXML, help added, and save button removed.
 - changed: Live TV progress bar now includes buffer size while buffering
 - updated: support for MythTV 0.22 (trunk) protocol 45
05/05/2009 - MythBox SVN 1062
 - updated: support for MythTV 0.22 (trunk) procotol 44
 - new    : recording detail screen - added date/time to header 
 - new    : recording detail screen - mini-video window replaces thumbnail when video is playing
 - changed: recording detail screen - improved load time - WindowXML rewrite + async pre/post fetching + mythtv connection & db pooling
 - new    : recording detail screen - added ability to move a queued comm flag job to the beginning of the queue - MythTV doesn't even have this!
 - new    : recording detail screen - added number of commercial breaks, position in queue, or percent completed if still in progress
 - changed: recording detail screen - enlarged thumbnail and added drop shadow; recording details re-arranged
 - changed: recording detail screen - Play+Skip button has default focus if recording is comm flagged
 - new    : create/edit recording schedule dialog - start and end offsets can now be edited 
 - updated: Issue 24 - Default buffer size is too low
 - fixed  : Issue 25 - can't change recording schedule from tv guide
 - fixed  : Issue 22 - support for ffmpeg 0.5 on ubuntu 9.04 jaunty
03/07/2009 - MythBox SVN 856
 - fixed  : Issue 17 - exit screen using right mouse button
 - fixed  : save/cancel focus wraparound on create/edit recording schedule dialog box
 - new    : added 'Confirm on Delete' setting. Defaults to yes. 
 - fixed  : Schedule Recording dialog would sometimes fail because of incompatible 
            schedule startime.
02/26/2009 - MythBox SVN 851
 - new    : recording schedules can now be created from the 'TV Guide' screen by clicking on a program
 - new    : recording schedules can now be edited from the 'Recording Schedules' screen
 - fixed  : windows feature set on par with linux. bundled ffmpeg binary.
 - fixed  : mac feature set on par with linux. bundled ffmpeg binary.
 - fixed  : script load time reduced 
 - new    : sensible defaults for mac/win settings - ffmpeg path and recordings dir
 - fixed  : gaps between buttons on left nav menus removed
 - changed: tv guide cell bumpers re-aligned 
 - fixed  : pyxcoder correctly parses framerate from HD-PVR created h.264 recordings
 - fixed  : pyxcoder correctly parses framerate from MythTV transcoded nuppelvids
 - fixed  : works on Windows XP (SVN Builds only)
 - fixed  : passwords scrubbed in logging output
 - changed: lots of internal refactoring
 - changed: added exception handler decorators to on* callbacks
 - removed: mysql wire level debug logger
 - changed: minor ui updates 
01/12/2009 - MythBox SVN 682
 - new    : split out README instructions for Windows/Linux requirements and installation
 - new    : windows now requires XBMC SVN Trunk
 - fixed  : added 64bit _mysql.so to libs so Linux x64 now works  
 - new    : ffmpeg executable added to Settings -> Paths
 - note   : launching ffmpeg on Windows is problematic because XBMC doesn't have 
            a console w/ attached stdin to pass to child process. Comm skipping and
            bookmarking won't work on windows until resolved.

01/04/2009 - MythBox SVN 646
 - new    : LiveTV progress dialog

01/03/2009 - MythBox SVN 640
 - new    : recordings resume where you last left off (mythtv bookmarks feature)
 - changed: replaced logging subsystem. Mythbox specific logging goes to mythbox.log 
 - rewrite: commercial skipping (can be off a little if xbmc does not play video at framerate specified in mpeg file)
 - new    : support for commercial skipping via EDL skip files (broken in xbmc - TODO: Add issue # from trac)
 - changed: MySQL 4.1+ client support
 - changed: 12 hour AM/PM time format for TV guide headers
 - rewrite: livetv working
 - changed: generated images/thumbs to script_data/<scriptname>/images/thumbs
 - changed: removed mythtv_statusport, mythtv_startpage, mythtv_recplayer, mythtv_recordlive, mythtv_recordlength settings
 - fixed  : moved settings.xml to userdata/script_data/<script_name> directory
 - fixed  : recording details screen thumbnail now respects image aspect ratio
 - new    : support for multiple recording directories (maps to MythTV recording groups) in settings using ':' on linux/mac and ';' on windows
 - new    : enabled unit tests to be run w/o hardcoded config info (util.OnDemandConfig)
 - changed: removed use of singletons (singleton.py)
 - fixed  : fix livetv/recorded tv player callback issues - induced GC so callbacks get unregistered
 - new    : added support for MythTV 0.22 (SVN trunk - Protocol v.43) - set <mythtv_version_override> to True in settings.xml
 - fixed  : fresh install works w/o an existing settings.xml
 - new    : get a decect icon
 - changed: tv guide now in a usable state