Letter G

gawk - The GNU version of the AWK text processing utility

Website: https://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/
License: GPLv3+ and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and BSD
Vendor: Fedora Project
The gawk package contains the GNU version of AWK text processing utility. AWK is
a programming language designed for text processing and typically used as a data
extraction and reporting tool.

The gawk utility can be used to do quick and easy text pattern matching,
extracting or reformatting. It is considered to be a standard Linux tool for
text processing.


gawk-4.1.3-8.fc25.i686 [1.0 MiB] Changelog by David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] (2016-09-12):
- Support for GNU MPFR added (see 'man gawk', look for --bignum option)
- Another round of specfile refactoring

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