Letter S
Packages beginning with letter "S".
- SDL - A cross-platform multimedia library
- SDL2 - A cross-platform multimedia library
- samba - Server and Client software to interoperate with Windows machines
- samba-client - Samba client programs
- samba-client-libs - Samba client libraries
- samba-common - Files used by both Samba servers and clients
- samba-common-libs - Libraries used by both Samba servers and clients
- samba-common-tools - Tools for Samba servers and clients
- samba-libs - Samba libraries
- samba-python - Samba Python libraries
- samba-winbind - Samba winbind
- samba-winbind-modules - Samba winbind modules
- satyr - Tools to create anonymous, machine-friendly problem reports
- sazanami-fonts-common - Common files for Sazanami Japanese TrueType fonts
- sazanami-gothic-fonts - Sazanami Gothic Japanese TrueType font
- sazanami-mincho-fonts - Sazanami Mincho Japanese TrueType font
- scholarsfonts-cardo-fonts - A font for scholarly use in classical and medieval languages
- seabios-bin - Seabios for x86
- seavgabios-bin - Seavgabios for x86
- sed - A GNU stream text editor
- selinux-policy - SELinux policy configuration
- selinux-policy-minimum - SELinux minimum base policy
- selinux-policy-mls - SELinux mls base policy
- selinux-policy-targeted - SELinux targeted base policy
- senamirmir-washra-fantuwua-fonts - A font for the Geʼez (Ethiopic) script
- senamirmir-washra-fonts - Fonts for the Geʼez (Ethiopic) script
- senamirmir-washra-fonts-common - Common files of senamirmir-washra-fonts
- senamirmir-washra-hiwua-fonts - A font for the Geʼez (Ethiopic) script
- senamirmir-washra-jiret-fonts - A font for the Geʼez (Ethiopic) script
- senamirmir-washra-tint-fonts - A font for the Geʼez (Ethiopic) script
- senamirmir-washra-wookianos-fonts - A font for the Geʼez (Ethiopic) script
- senamirmir-washra-yebse-fonts - A font for the Geʼez (Ethiopic) script
- senamirmir-washra-yigezu-bisrat-goffer-fonts - A decorative font for the Geʼez (Ethiopic) script
- senamirmir-washra-yigezu-bisrat-gothic-fonts - A decorative font for the Geʼez (Ethiopic) script
- senamirmir-washra-zelan-fonts - A font for the Geʼez (Ethiopic) script
- sendmail - A widely used Mail Transport Agent (MTA)
- sendmail-cf - The files needed to reconfigure Sendmail
- serafettin-cartoon-fonts - Sans-serif Cartoon Fonts
- setools-libs - Policy analysis support libraries for SELinux
- setup - A set of system configuration and setup files
- setuptool - A text mode system configuration tool
- sgabios-bin - Sgabios for x86
- sgpio - SGPIO captive backplane tool
- shadow-utils - Utilities for managing accounts and shadow password files
- shadowsintolight-fonts - Shadows Into Light fonts by Kimberly Geswein
- shared-mime-info - Shared MIME information database
- sheepdog - The Sheepdog Distributed Storage System for KVM/QEMU
- sil-abyssinica-fonts - SIL Abyssinica fonts
- sil-andika-fonts - A font for literacy and beginning readers
- sil-charis-compact-fonts - A version of Charis SIL with tighter line spacing
- sil-charis-fonts - A serif smart font similar to Bitstream Charter
- sil-doulos-fonts - Doulos SIL fonts
- sil-gentium-alt-fonts - SIL GentiumAlt fonts
- sil-gentium-basic-book-fonts - SIL Gentium Book Basic font family
- sil-gentium-basic-fonts - SIL Gentium Basic font family
- sil-gentium-basic-fonts-common - Common files of sil-gentium-basic
- sil-gentium-fonts - SIL Gentium fonts
- sil-gentium-fonts-common - Common files of SIL Gentium fonts
- sil-lateef-fonts - An Arabic script unicode font
- sil-mingzat-fonts - A font for Lepcha script
- sil-scheherazade-fonts - An Arabic script unicode font
- sj-delphine-fonts - Handwriting font
- sj-fonts-common - Common files for sj-fonts
- sj-stevehand-fonts - Handwriting font
- skopeo-containers - Configuration files for working with image signatures
- slang - The shared library for the S-Lang extension language
- slapi-nis - NIS Server and Schema Compatibility plugins for Directory Server
- smartmontools - Tools for monitoring SMART capable hard disks
- smp_utils - Utilities for SAS management protocol (SMP)
- smp_utils-libs - Shared library for smp_utils
- snappy - Fast compression and decompression library
- softhsm - Software version of a PKCS#11 Hardware Security Module
- sos - A set of tools to gather troubleshooting information from a system
- spamassassin - Spam filter for email which can be invoked from mail delivery agents
- specialelite-fonts - Special Elite font by Brian J. Bonislawsky
- spice-server - Implements the server side of the SPICE protocol
- sqlite - Library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine
- sqlite-libs - Shared library for the sqlite3 embeddable SQL database engine.
- squid - The Squid proxy caching server
- sssd - System Security Services Daemon
- sssd-ad - The AD back end of the SSSD
- sssd-client - SSSD Client libraries for NSS and PAM
- sssd-common - Common files for the SSSD
- sssd-common-pac - Common files needed for supporting PAC processing
- sssd-ipa - The IPA back end of the SSSD
- sssd-krb5 - The Kerberos authentication back end for the SSSD
- sssd-krb5-common - SSSD helpers needed for Kerberos and GSSAPI authentication
- sssd-ldap - The LDAP back end of the SSSD
- stax-ex - StAX API extensions
- stax2-api - Experimental API extending basic StAX implementation
- stix-fonts - Scientific and engineering fonts
- stix-math-fonts - Scientific and engineering fonts, PUA glyphs
- storaged - Disk Manager
- sudo - Allows restricted root access for specified users
- svrcore - Secure PIN handling using NSS crypto
- symlinks - A utility which maintains a system's symbolic links
- syslinux - Simple kernel loader which boots from a FAT filesystem
- syslinux-extlinux - The EXTLINUX bootloader, for booting the local system.
- syslinux-extlinux-nonlinux - The parts of the EXTLINUX bootloader which aren't run from linux.
- syslinux-nonlinux - SYSLINUX modules which aren't run from linux.
- system-python - System Python executable
- system-python-libs - System Python runtime libraries
- systemd - A System and Service Manager
- systemd-container - Tools for containers and VMs
- systemd-libs - systemd libraries
- systemd-pam - systemd PAM module
- systemd-udev - Rule-based device node and kernel event manager
- systemtap-sdt-devel - Static probe support tools