Deploying a node

The Deploy screen allows you to change the settings for the node you are deploying. You can change the following:

  • Installation options.

  • Reboot options.

  • iLO Repository options (Gen10 iLO 5, Windows, and Linux nodes only).

  • Components to deploy and configure components from the Baseline Library screen.

  • If you run SUM on a virtual machine running a supported operating system, do not deploy updates to the localhost system. Deploy updates to the host OS on remote nodes, or to the iLO on those nodes.

  • When SUM activates the Deploy button, do not manually update or downgrade a component that SUM manages. Updating the component manually will cause SUM to skip the component and report an error.

  • SUM 8.5.0 blocks the flashing of firmware version 4.80 on the HPE VC Flex-20 Enet Module.

  • SUM flashes iLO 5 firmware v1.40 prior to updating to v2.10 because it is a prerequisite for flashing firmware v2.10.

  1. From the Nodes screen, select a node to update, and then select Actions > Review/Deploy.
  2. Select the Installation Options tab to change:
    If the baseline has multiple versions of the same product, only one can be selected from the different versions of the same components. If you select other component of the same version, the already selected component gets cleared automatically. The component that has the higher version gets selected by default if:
    • The Downgrade and Rewrite option is set.

    • The higher version of the component is not installed.

    • Installation options

      Upgrade Firmware and Software

      Upgrades firmware and software components.

      Upgrade Firmware

      Upgrades only firmware components.

      Upgrade Software

      Upgrades only software components.

      Downgrade and Rewrite both

      Upgrades, downgrades, and rewrites firmware and software components.

      Downgrade and Rewrite Firmware

      Upgrades, downgrades, and rewrites only firmware components.

      Downgrade and Rewrite Software

      Upgrades, downgrades, and rewrites only software components.

      Downgrade both

      Upgrades and downgrades firmware and software components.

      Downgrade Firmware

      Upgrades and downgrades only firmware components.

      Downgrade Software

      Upgrades and downgrades only software components.

      Rewrite both

      Upgrades and rewrites firmware and software components.

      Rewrite Firmware

      Upgrades and rewrites only firmware components.

      Rewrite Software

      Upgrades and rewrites only software components.

    • Verbose logging or normal logging

    • Skip Components with Dependency Failures

    • Select whether to clean up temporary files after deployment
    • Select whether to clean up debug logs and temporary files after deployment

    If an OA is in FIPS mode, SUM does not support downgrading or rewriting firmware. SUM displays a message and turns off the downgrade and rewrite options.

  3. On the Reboot Options tab, select the following:
    1. Select a system reboot option: Never, If needed, Always.
    2. Enter the number of minutes SUM delays before rebooting the node. Select 1–60 minutes.
    3. Enter a reboot message, up to 255 characters, to display.

    The reboot_message cli parameter is not functional for SLES12 OS because the SLES12 OS image has a constraint that does not permit executing the parameter as a cli command.

  4. Gen10 iLO 5 Windows and Linux and iLO 5 nodes only: To manage the iLO Repository, select the iLO Repository Options tab.
    1. To upload selected components to the iLO Repository and create an install set, select Save Components as an Install set on iLO Repository. SUM automatically creates a default name and description, but you can edit the name and description for the install set. You can use this install set to roll back the server components at a future time. The name and description are limited to 63 characters, and the only special characters allowed are - and _.

      You can update firmware and software by using SUM either through the server operating system or through iLO. For more information on the advantages of these methods, see iLO Repository update vs online update through OS.

    2. To update the previous recovery set, select the Update the existing recovery set with components (BIOS, iLO, CPLD) from this run check box. SUM updates the existing recovery set in iLO Repository with new firmware versions of iLO, BIOS, and CPLD from current deployment.
    3. To set the start and end time of the deployment, click Set Schedule. Alternatively, select Maintenance Windows.
    4. Select one of the following:
      • SUM manages iLO Repository space: SUM automatically creates space on the iLO Repository if necessary. SUM deletes:
        • Unreferenced components first.

        • Deletes the oldest install set. iLO Repository can save a maximum eight install sets.

      • Manually manage iLO Repository space: You select the install sets or unreferenced components to delete to free up iLO Repository space.

  5. Select the components from the Baseline and Additional Packages tabs that you want to deploy.

    If you are deploying updates to an iLO 5 node, SUM automatically selects components based on the operating system that is running on the node. If the node is off, SUM picks up all firmware components. If Agentless Management System (AMS) is not present on the system, iLO does not get OS details. In such a case, SUM picks only firmware components.

    If you are performing an iLO Repository update, make sure that iSUT is installed on the system.


    Gen10 iLO 5 nodes require all components include a component signature file. If the signature file is missing, SUM disables the Deploy button. Deselect components without signature files to deploy other updates.

  6. Click Deploy. SUM Verifies any changes that you made are valid and then begins deploying components.

    To begin the deployment, all dependency issues must be resolved, or clear the component so it does not install.

  7. In the General section of the Node screen, click View log for the node, and then click View log for the component you installed to view the details of the installation.

    On the node page, click the Live Log button to view the deployment status while SUM is deploying updates.