Performing node inventory

The node inventory collects information about the node, and the firmware, software, and driver versions installed on the node. SUM detects when a self-discovery component has a missing dependency.

SUM must perform a node inventory during each new session to determine the firmware and software on a node.

SUM cannot inventory a node if the credentials are not valid. If the credentials are not valid for the node, edit the node credentials.


If you perform inventory on an OA node, SUM automatically adds and inventories the associated nodes if you select the check box on the Add Nodes screen. Add VC credentials separately. If you perform inventory on a blade iLO or VC, SUM does not find an associated OA until the end of the inventory process. Add credentials to the OA and then perform inventory on the OA node. For more information on associated nodes, see Associated nodes deployment behavior.

  1. From the Nodes screen, highlight the node and then select Actions > Inventory.

    If a node has a baseline assigned to it, the inventory process begins immediately. The following steps are only required if you assign a baseline to a node.

  2. SUM displays the baseline associated with the node. If you want to reassign the baseline that SUM will use for inventory, select a baseline, additional package, or both.
  3. Click Inventory. SUM displays errors to resolve before you can deploy updates.